Character Contained In References Comments
Words containing 久:

There are 4 words starting with 久 and at least 9 other words containing 久 in this database. The average frequency of words in the database containing this character is rank orange high

Click to search Learn Chinese for other words containing this character or click the References tab for links to other character information sites.
Other characters containing 久 as a component:

There are 6 character descriptions containing a reference to this character of which 5 so far have been determined to contain this as a phonetic component. The average frequency of all characters in the database containing this component is rank lightblue low
Simp Trad Pinyin English Semantic Phonetic Frequency Words
𡚮 𡚮 rank darkblue 0
jie2 rank darkblue 0
jiu3 (black stone) rank lightblue 0
jiu3 cauterize rank lightblue 1
you3 rank darkblue 0

Semantic or reference:

Other: (Back to top)
Simp Trad Pinyin English Semantic Phonetic Frequency Words
mu3 6 acre (M) rank darkblue 2

Other (no pinyin data available): (Back to top)
Some common words starting with 久: (Back to top)
Simp Trad Pinyin English Frequency
久远 jiu3yuan3 old rank yellow
久违 jiu3wei2 (haven't done sth) for a long time rank lightblue
久病 jiu3bing4 macronosia rank darkblue
久旱 jiu3han4 drouth rank darkblue

Other common words containing 久: (Back to top)
Simp Trad Pinyin English Frequency
不久 bu4jiu3 soon rank red
永久 yong3jiu3 permanently rank orange
持久 chi2jiu3 lasting rank orange
长久 chang2jiu3 for a long time rank orange
悠久 you1jiu3 established rank orange
好久 hao3jiu3 quite a while rank orange
多久 duo1jiu3 how long rank orange
耐久 nai4jiu3 lastingness rank yellow
经久 jing1jiu3 durability rank yellow
耐久性 nai4jiu3xing4 durability rank yellow
之久 zhi1jiu3 of time rank lightblue
后不久 hou4bu4jiu3 not long after rank darkblue