Character Contained In References Comments
Words containing 包:

There are 11 words starting with 包 and at least 12 other words containing 包 in this database. The average frequency of words in the database containing this character is rank orange high

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Other characters containing 包 as a component:

There are 29 character descriptions containing a reference to this character of which 18 so far have been determined to contain this as a phonetic component. The average frequency of all characters in the database containing this component is rank yellow medium

This component is a useful phonetic. Click to see the breakdown for this component's phonetic value.
Simp Trad Pinyin English Semantic Phonetic Frequency Words
𨚔 𨚔 rank darkblue 0
bao1 flower calyx rank lightblue 3
bao1 womb rank yellow 16
bao2 hail rank darkblue 2
bao3 to eat till full rank orange 7
bao4 abalone rank lightblue 3
bao4 rank darkblue 0
fu1 drumstick rank darkblue 0
fu2 rank darkblue 0
pao2 gown (lined) rank yellow 4
pao2 work hides leather bag rank darkblue 0
pao2 to roar rank lightblue 2
pao2 kitchen 广 rank lightblue 0
pao4 to steep rank orange 16
pao4 pimple rank darkblue 4
pao4 cannon rank yellow 15
pao4 rank darkblue 0
tao2 pottery rank lightblue 0

Semantic or reference:
Simp Trad Pinyin English Semantic Phonetic Frequency Words
jun1 army rank red 24

Other: (Back to top)
Simp Trad Pinyin English Semantic Phonetic Frequency Words
bao1 rank darkblue 0
bao2 rank darkblue 0
bao3 rank darkblue 0
biao1 whirlwind rank darkblue 0
fu2 rank darkblue 0
pao2 roast rank darkblue 0
pao2 the bottle-gourd rank darkblue 0
pao2 bottle_gourd rank lightblue 0
pao4 rank darkblue 0
pao4 cannon rank darkblue 0
pie chart
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Some common words starting with 包: (Back to top)
Simp Trad Pinyin English Frequency
包括 bao1kuo4 to include rank red
包含 bao1han2 to comprise rank red
包围 bao1wei2 to surround rank orange
包装 bao1zhuang1 pack rank orange
包干 bao1gan4 be responsible for a task unit until it is completed rank orange
包袱 bao1fu5 cloth-wrapper rank orange
包裹 bao1guo3 bundle rank yellow
包头 bao1tou2 Baotou rank yellow
包庇 bao1bi4 shield rank yellow
包工 bao1gong1 undertake to perform work within a time limit and rank yellow
包办 bao1ban4 run the whole show rank yellow

Other common words containing 包: (Back to top)
Simp Trad Pinyin English Frequency
承包 cheng2bao1 to contract for rank orange
背包 bei1bao1 blanket roll rank yellow
皮包 pi2bao1 portfolio rank yellow
面包 mian4bao1 bread rank yellow
心包 xin1bao1 pericardium rank yellow
腰包 yao1bao1 waistbag rank yellow
红包 hong2bao1 red bag rank lightblue
邮包 you2bao1 postbag rank lightblue
钱包 qian2bao1 wallet rank lightblue
小包 xiao3bao1 packet rank lightblue
转包 zhuai3bao1 subcontract rank lightblue
公事包 gong1shi4bao1 attache case rank lightblue
手提包 shou3ti2bao1 hold-all rank lightblue
蒙古包 meng2gu3bao1 yurt rank darkblue
烤面包 kao3mian4bao1 toast rank darkblue
旅行包 lv3xing2bao1 gripsack rank darkblue
空投包 kong1tou2bao1 parapack rank darkblue