Character Contained In References Comments
Words containing 沫:

There are 1 words starting with 沫 and at least 4 words containing 沫 in this database. The average frequency of words in the database containing this character is rank yellow medium

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No other characters contain this character as a component or reference.

Some common words starting with 沫: (Back to top)
Simp Trad Pinyin English Frequency
沫蝉科 mo4chan2ke1 Cercopidae rank darkblue

Other common words containing 沫: (Back to top)
Simp Trad Pinyin English Frequency
泡沫 pao4mo4 bubble rank orange
郭沫若 guo1mo4ruo4 name of a Chinese writer and poet Guo Moruo rank yellow
唾沫 tuo4mo4 spittle rank yellow
雾沫 wu4mo4 entrainment rank darkblue
玻璃沫 bo1li2mo4 sandiver rank darkblue