Character Contained In References Comments
Words containing 莊:

There are 6 words starting with 莊 and at least 5 other words containing 莊 in this database. The average frequency of words in the database containing this character is rank yellow medium

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No other characters contain this character as a component or reference.

Some common words starting with 莊: (Back to top)
Simp Trad Pinyin English Frequency
庄稼 zhuang1jia5 emblements rank orange
庄严 zhuang1yan2 stately rank orange
庄稼人 zhuang1jia4ren2 hodge rank orange
庄主 zhuang1zhu3 suzerain rank darkblue
庄稼汉 zhuang1jia4han4 plowboy rank darkblue
庄严地 zhuang1yan2di5 dreadfully rank darkblue

Other common words containing 莊: (Back to top)
Simp Trad Pinyin English Frequency
村庄 cun1zhuang1 thorp rank orange
田庄 tian2zhuang1 farmsteead rank yellow
端庄 duan1zhuang1 dignified rank lightblue
农庄 nong2zhuang1 farmstead rank lightblue
枣庄市 zao3zhuang1shi4 Zaozhuang rank darkblue
石家庄 shi2jia1zhuang1 Shijiazhuang rank orange
甄家庄 zhen1jia1zhuang1 Zhenjiazhuang rank darkblue