Character Contained In References Comments
Words containing 頓:

There are 7 words starting with 頓 and at least 15 other words containing 頓 in this database. The average frequency of words in the database containing this character is rank yellow medium

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Other characters containing 頓 as a component:

There are 1 character descriptions containing a reference to this character. The average frequency of all characters in the database containing this component is rank darkblue very low

Semantic or reference:

Other: (Back to top)
Simp Trad Pinyin English Semantic Phonetic Frequency Words
dun1 ton rank darkblue 5
Some common words starting with 頓: (Back to top)
Simp Trad Pinyin English Frequency
顿时 dun4shi2 immediately rank orange
顿河 dun4he2 the Don rank yellow
顿巴斯 dun4ba1si1 donbas rank yellow
顿挫 dun4cuo4 with syncopated cadence (brush stroke in painting) rank lightblue
顿悟 dun4wu4 attain enlightenment rank darkblue
顿足 dun4zu2 stamp ones feet rank darkblue
顿降法 dun4jiang4fa3 bathos rank darkblue

Other common words containing 頓: (Back to top)
Simp Trad Pinyin English Frequency
整顿 zheng3dun4 to organize rank orange
牛顿 niu2dun4 Newton rank orange
停顿 ting2dun4 to pause rank orange
沃顿 wo4dun4 Wharton rank yellow
安顿 an1dun4 peaceful rank yellow
巴顿 ba1dun4 Barton rank lightblue
海顿 hai3dun4 Haydn rank lightblue
劳顿 lao2dun4 Lawton rank darkblue
卢顿 lu2dun4 Luton rank darkblue
华盛顿 hua2sheng4dun4 Washington rank orange
波士顿 bo1shi4dun4 Boston rank yellow
休士顿 xiu1shi4dun4 Houston rank lightblue
惠灵顿 hui4ling2dun4 Wellington rank lightblue
希尔顿 xi1er3dun4 Hilton rank lightblue
威灵顿 wei1ling2dun4 Wellesley rank lightblue
曼哈顿 man4ha1dun4 Manhattan rank lightblue
马其顿 ma3qi2dun4 Macedonia rank darkblue
阿灵顿 e1ling2dun4 Arlington rank darkblue
特伦顿 te4lun2dun4 Trenton rank darkblue
卡尔顿 ka3er3dun4 Carleton rank darkblue